

Schreiber Christopher

シュライバー クリストファー

My first time coming to the University of Yamanashi was for a mandatory internship during my undergraduate program of my German university in 2019. My internship was for the Bosch company but located in the laboratories of the hydrogen and fuel cell nano materials center of the University of Yamanashi due to a collaboration between the company and university. During my 10 months internship I really enjoyed to live in Kofu, to study and do research in the University of Yamanashi and to learn more about Japanese culture, day to day life and language.

After my internship Inukai-Sensei, my current professor and the professor in charge during my internship, offered me to come back for my Master’s and potentially PhD once I finished my Bachelor’s degree in Germany. Since I enjoyed my internship so much I decided to come back to the University of Yamanashi to study.

My current course is the Green Energy Conversion Sciences and Technology course of the engineering department, which consists of many interesting classes both in classical Chemistry and Physics as well as courses about renewable energy such as solar power, electrolysers and fuel cells. Furthermore, the hydrogen and fuel cell nano materials center and the clean energy research center of the University of Yamanashi are state of the art laboratories and probably among the best renewable energy research centers in the world, which motivates me everyday to study hard and do my research in this important field.

My dream for the future is to find an international company that focuses on renewable energy, preferably hydrogen and fuel cell technology and combines Germany and Japan. Germany and Japan are both economically and scientifically strong countries and both countries focus on renewable energy especially in the hydrogen technology. So my dream is to connect both countries and start collaborations to use the advantages and knowledge of both countries to boost the technologies of the future to fight the climate change more effectively. To achieve this I want to use my expertise in my research field which I gained throughout my studies at the University of Yamanashi as well as my knowledge of Japanese culture and language which I learned by living here in Kofu.

Kofu is a small city for Japanese standards surrounded by mountains and beautiful nature and very close to the famous and beautiful Fuji-san and its 5 lakes but it’s also relatively country side. This is one of the hardest part of living in Kofu as a foreigner since English is not used outside of the University. However, this is also very interesting because you are forced to adapt to the Japanese language as soon as possible. Furthermore, most people in Kofu, based on my experience, are very supportive and extremely friendly, so even without English, everybody is trying to help and support you as much as possible, which is a beautiful part about Japanese culture.

Inside the University there are many activities, programs and options for foreign students from the international department of the University of Yamanashi, where you can meet other foreigners as well as Japanese students and find new friends relatively fast. As for the classes, some of them are fully in Japanese and some of them are bilingual but even if they are fully in Japanese the professors try their best to support you in English as much as possible, so there is nothing to worry about but a lot to learn and to enjoy.






